No, its not really a word. Anachronism though, is — chronologically out of place, or “misplaced in time”. I’ve often wondered how it would be, for someone from the present to go back in time and live a few days across different centuries. A glimpse back in time would be a huge learning opportunity. To be able to re-write history as it happened, and not as it was by the victors and the influential. Imagine being able to see why and how the Stonehenge was built. What was on the Indus scripts? What really happened to them? Was there really a Flood? What about The War? Hidden treasures, unknown assassins, mysteries…
It’s probably going to be nature all around. No pollution. More flora and fauna. Waaay less crowded. No billboards, nothing digital. Richer tastier food, I’d assume. Would the colors be as vibrant? What would be taboo, what would be accepted, what would be unheard of?
I love sci-fi and fantasy novels (thank goodness it isn’t a subject in schools yet to have the joy sucked out.), and naturally another interesting idea is peeking into the future. Would cars fly? Would people teleport? Maybe every digital device becomes a quantum computer?
How awesome it would be to get into a time capsule and travel the timelines of the universe and really see how it all happened and how it will unfold. The past had wars, mosquitoes, polio, lack of everything that is there today. They also had qualities of life we can never imagine. The future might hold more comfort, more stability, but it might as well be full of metaverses or turn out to be like Asimov’s Solaria.
While having a superpower of time-travel would be amazing, its a chasm that never bottoms out. It took me a long time to get out of this fantasy. The future is scary. So was the past, until it became the past. Living right here, right now is a difficult and courageous act. As the great Oogway said, it is only the “now” that we have, rest is history and mystery.
Here and now, my friend, here and now. That’s the only thing that matters.
PS: This space is an attempt to try my hand at writing… something. I hope I improve over time :)